Friday, March 15, 2013

This is my finished clone project. I cloned the dolphins eye, and gave it a few extras. I had a little trouble with the clone stamp tool, but I think it worked out ok.
This is my finished popart. I used a picture of my friend Sam holding a guitar. I felt like that image would be apealing as popart. I feel pleased with the transformation.

These are my finished layer adjustment photographs.

This is my finished change my look project. My friend and I took our pictures in seperate hallways, and then I masked them together into a picture of legoland, after we had edited ourselves. I gave Thomas purple hair, and myself light blue green.

These are my finished Punn photographs. For my first edit, I masked an eyeball to a cell phone to creat an "eye phone". For my second post, I cut the head of a tiger, and masked it onto a great white shark, to create the "tiger shark". For my third, I took a small cartoon of the sun, and masked it onto a flower, making it a "sun flower".

These are my finished Celebrity hair and eye changes. The first picture of the girl was a practice run, and the lone eye was also practice, but the changed version of Brad Pitt is my finished product.