Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Vector Dafont Prfoject

These are the pictures I created for the Vector Dafont project. I used a free vector based design from the internet, and then i customized a background and created a them based on the design. Overall I was pleased with the results.

Rule of Thirds

These are my finished Rule Of Thirds photographs. I chose these because I loved the contrast of the bright flowers against the darker backgrounds. The first picture has a bit of intersection with the flowers and the picture frame, but other than that, I would take it again.
This was my montage project. I decided to do mine about Indonesia. I used the abundance of sea life in Indonesia as most of my layering. The sea life is one of the most unique things about Indonesia (the blue ringed octopus is only found in the south pacific). Its also one of the only places in the world where sail boats are one of the most common forms of housing. Indonesia is also one of the few homes of the Komodo Dragon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

This is my finished clone project. I cloned the dolphins eye, and gave it a few extras. I had a little trouble with the clone stamp tool, but I think it worked out ok.
This is my finished popart. I used a picture of my friend Sam holding a guitar. I felt like that image would be apealing as popart. I feel pleased with the transformation.

These are my finished layer adjustment photographs.

This is my finished change my look project. My friend and I took our pictures in seperate hallways, and then I masked them together into a picture of legoland, after we had edited ourselves. I gave Thomas purple hair, and myself light blue green.

These are my finished Punn photographs. For my first edit, I masked an eyeball to a cell phone to creat an "eye phone". For my second post, I cut the head of a tiger, and masked it onto a great white shark, to create the "tiger shark". For my third, I took a small cartoon of the sun, and masked it onto a flower, making it a "sun flower".

These are my finished Celebrity hair and eye changes. The first picture of the girl was a practice run, and the lone eye was also practice, but the changed version of Brad Pitt is my finished product.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

These are my finished Magic wand, and selections tool projects. I used all of the selection tools to complete this project.
This is my finished Crazy Combos project. I used, the tail of a cheetah, the body of a honey badger, the head of a crocodile, the wings of an eagle, and a single spike from a mountain goat.
This is my finished layer masking project.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Practice post

Practice Image: This is a photograph of a backpacking trip I found on the internet. I will be using it in my allaboutme project, because I love to backpack.